Our goal is to ensure clean sport and to protect the extraordinary achievements of professional athletes. Our highly experienced team of experts helps sport event organizers, National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs) and International Federations (IFs) with sport specific doping control concepts.


We offer a wide range of professional services that assist anti-doping organizations to provide clean sport events. As well as planning and executing worldwide in- and out-of-competition testing, we offer our paperless mobile documentation system “MODOC” to reduce human error during the documentation process.

To achieve our goals we are constantly looking to recruit and train people to become Doping Control Officers around the globe. With over 150 freelance DCOs and BCOs, PWC is able to conduct missions at short notice.

Founded on family based values, PWC is a highly respected privately run company making a significant contribution to doping-free sport. Our ongoing collaborations with many Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) reflects the confidence in our expertise and the quality of our work.

PWC is in the process of constant growth, development and improvement, and this is the main reason why we want to keep you up to date with everything that happens around us: News, press releases and other communications of interest.